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Present Moment Poetry Series with Matthew Daniell & Effie Stavrulaki

When: Six Wednesdays, July 10 - Aug. 14

Where: First two weeks hybrid (online or in-person at Matthew’s house in West Newbury); last four weeks online-only

Time: 7–8:30 pm

Cost: $80, $100, or $120 (please pay at the highest level you can afford)

Great poetry often comes from the depths of seeing deeply into life. Used wisely, poetry can move us inwardly to live more freshly in the moments that make up our lives. In this six-week series, we will read poetry that arises from and leads us back to a depth of feeling and connection and intimacy with the mystery of being alive. One poem will be emailed to you each week to inform your practice at home and will be used as a touchstone for discussion in class. Each session will begin with a mostly (or totally) silent 35-minute meditation, followed by a 10-minute walking meditation and a 45-minute "sharing circle." Here, everyone will get a chance to express how they related to the poem in terms of their present moment living during the week. 

Matthew Daniell will facilitate the first two sessions, Effie Stavrulaki the next two, and Effie or a community member will do the last two. The first two sessions will be held in hybrid format (online or in person) while the final four will be on Zoom only. This is suitable for all levels of experience and seeks to draw on our collective wisdom as a group, as well as the deep universal wisdom contained within the poems, pointing us back in a fresh and connected way toward living in the present moment.

July 1

Monday Evening Meditation (online drop-in)

July 13

Exploring Aging, Sickness and Death as Gateways to Living a Fuller Life