Support NSIMC
NSIMC is possible because of the generosity of its community.
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Volunteer at NSIMC
With gratitude for all that the community gives, we share the sincere hope that NSIMC will be able to fulfill its mission of being a place of sanity, where all are welcome to come and find clear meditative guidance, silence, and community connection.
The word for giving or generosity in the early Buddhist tradition is dana (from the Pali language). This is an essential practice in the ancient teachings of the Buddha. In Buddhist texts, generosity is taught as a foundational practice that opens the heart and mind and supports the meditative path of calm and Insight. For some 2,600 years, Buddhist monks and nuns have been involved in a symbiotic relationship of generosity with their communities. The community provides them with food and other basic needs, and in exchange they offer solace and meditative guidance. Those that provide the infrastructure and administrative support for the monasteries themselves rely on the generosity of the greater community to contribute their vital roles as well. Everyone benefits from participating in this circle of generosity.
In modern day America the specifics have changed, but the symbiosis remains the same:
Your registration fees for workshops support approximately 30 percent of the NSIMC's cost. We rely on generosity to support the rest.
Memberships provide invaluable support for all of our activities.
Lay teachers need financial support to continue the work they do.
The administrative leadership needs financial support to do their job.
Costs associated with online events and workshops at various locations are partially covered by your generosity.
Volunteers formed the backbone of Asian monastic support and continue to be of vital support in our culture.
In terms of our financial donations, NSIMC is recognized by the Massachusetts Secretary of State as a nonprofit Buddhist church with federal tax exemption status pending.
We receive each gift of dana, no matter how big or small it is, with deep gratitude, knowing that these gifts from the heart will allow us to continue to offer insight meditation to this community.
To make donations by check, please mail to the address at the bottom of the page, and feel free to email us with questions or comments.
Matthew Daniell
North Shore Insight Meditation Community