Media Appearances

Stopping the Inner War: Matt Daniell at TEDx Cambridge 2011

Lifting Your Spirit with Rev. Joel Grossman and Ted Jones

January 17, 2024

Hosts Rev. Joel Grossman and Ted Jones interview Matthew Daniell, founder and guiding teacher of North Shore Insight Meditation Society, about his own lifelong spiritual journey and how he came to found NSIMC.

Matthew discusses his background and what led him to spend many years in Asia in his twenties, studying first Zen in Japan and then Theravada Buddhism in India and Southeast Asia, before returning to the United States and befriending his main Western teacher, Larry Rosenberg, founder of Cambridge Insight Meditation Center. With Larry, Matthew founded the Insight Meditation Center of Newburyport in 2005 and was its guiding teacher until it closed in 2022. He discusses this as well as his establishment of the succeeding North Shore Insight Meditation Society.

Morning Show with Mary Jacobsen

July 1, 2021

Host Mary Jacobsen interviews Matthew Daniell, cofounder and guiding teacher of the Insight Meditation Society of Newburyport, about how we can cultivate peace and happiness during turbulent and sometimes deeply discouraging times.

Matthew explains how, from a Buddhist perspective, the appearance of change, including unwelcome developments that seem to reverse personal or social progress, provides us an opportunity to understand and accept “conditions just as they are.”

When we let go of attachment to our expectations of how we hoped or expected things would or should be, we can learn to live wisely and have, as Matthew says, citing Buddhist teacher Ajahn Chah, “great happiness on this changing earth.”

Morning Show with Mary Jacobsen

June 4, 2020

Morning Show host Mary Jacobsen speaks with Buddhist teacher Matthew Daniell, who discusses the importance of learning to embrace uncertainty. Even during extraordinarily uncertain times such as the ongoing pandemic, embracing uncertainty enables us to cultivate inner calm. That calm, explains Daniell, can in turn help us to tap previously unknown depths of resourcefulness.

Interview with Matthew Daniell begins at 29:53

Morning Show with Mary Jacobsen

October 4, 2019

An interview with Matthew Daniell covering his background and what brought him to insight meditation.

Mary Jacobsen hosts the Morning Show on WJOP with guest Matthew Daniell a local Buddhist Teacher and Books from Off the Beaten Path host Melinda Everett talks about the book The Intelligence Trap.

Interview with Matthew Daniell begins at 0:00