Note: this is the second week of a four-week series and is the last opportunity to register.
Please join NSIMC guiding teacher Matthew Daniell for a four-week Monday night series in November, held in partnership with the First Religious Society, Unitarian Universalist, in Newburyport
When: Monday evenings, 7-8:30 pm, Nov. 4, 11, 18, & 25
Where: First Religious Society, Unitarian Universalist, Parish Hall
Cost: $85 for the series ($80 cash or check)
Description: To breathe is to live. This is an anatomical fact, but it can also be a powerful tool to support our inner life, and find a quiet place of rest, renewal, and resilience, inside. In this four-part series, we will draw mainly from the ancient and modern meditative wisdom traditions to explore how mindful breathing can be a simple gateway to living a fuller, more emotionally skillful and more spiritually rich life, in the here and now. There will be meditation periods (15-25 minutes) with instruction and silence, along with reflections and time for discussion in each session, as well as exercises to bring into daily life. This series is appropriate for beginners as well as those with more meditation experience. People of all traditions are welcome, breath is common to all that lives.
Matthew Daniell is the guiding teacher of NSIMC. He has been practicing Buddhist meditation since the 1980s, including over a decade in Asia, where he practiced Zen intensively in Japan, Tibetan Buddhism in India, and Insight meditation in Burma, India, and Thailand. Read more about Matthew on his teacher page.
The fee for this program is $85 ($80 cash or check). To register and pay online, just click below; to pay by cash or check, email